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Image de House of VHS

House of VHS

: 84 m

Mystery, Horror

House of VHS

Florie Auclerc-VialensasThe Italian Girl
Isabel McCannasThe British Girl
Morgan LamortéasThe French Guy
Delphine LannielasThe Belgian Girl
Petur Oskar SigurdssonasThe American Guy
Ruy BuchholzasThe Australian Guy
Gautier CazenaveasDirector
Gautier CazenaveasWriter
Gautier CazenaveasProducer
Jean-Noël GeorgelasProducer
Matthieu HuvelinasMusic
François ReumontasDirector of Photography
Gautier CazenaveasEditor
Brice GauthierasEditor
Mathieu NietoasEditor
Lucie CazenaveasWardrobe Supervisor
Thomas GeigerasVisual Effects
Guillaume ChevalierasSpecial Effects
Denis GastouasSpecial Effects
Laurent PeyronnetasSpecial Effects
Yohan PiaudasSound Recordist
Tristan de CarbonasDialogue Editor
Matthieu TibiasSound Re-Recording Mixer

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